
[VmLang] Robert Tolksdorf. Vm languages.

[JVM] Tim Lindholm et Frank Yellin. The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification.

[Rolaz02] Laurent Rolaz. Traducteur de bytecodes Java en coe MSIL. 29 juin 2002. Non publié.

[Gough01] K John Gough. Stacking them up: a Comparison of Virtual Machines. ACSAC-2001.

[MeijerMiller01] Erik Meijer et Jim Miller. Technical Overview of the Common Language Runtime (or why the JVM is not my favorite execution environment). 8 juin 2001.

[Olsen02] Morten Sylvest Olsen. A Pizza Compiler For .NET. 2002.

[Ecma] Microsoft. CLI Partition I-III. 2001. ECMA TG3.

[JikesBT] Jikes Bytecode Toolkit.

[Bit] BIT: Bytecode Instrumenting Tool.

[GnuBT] Gnu bytecode.

[Bcel] The Byte Code Engineering Library .

[Mono] Le projet Mono.

[Ikvm] Ikvm.Net.

[Pnet] DotGNU Portable.NET.